Whew, I can breathe!!! Today is the first day I have had a moment of solitude. The wedding was beautiful . I don't have any pictures yet because the photographer is still working on them . She took ALOT! The bride was beautiful , though I may be biased since I am her mother. We decided at the last minute to move the wedding inside the castle . I am so glad we did because it was brutally hot. The groom cried ,which only made it more beautiful . I feel so lucky to have him as a son- in -law. I will share pictures as soon as I receive some.
I have missed art . I have been dealing with wedding details for so long. I thought I deserved a new workshop. So I decided to take World of Whimsy 2 ! I love Tam , as a teacher , and this class will focus also on healing which I could use right now. The class started today . If you would like to register you can do it
here .
I have missed all of my online art friends . I have been checking in but I hope to be able to comment more now. I have also been reading alot . Soon we will be getting our house ready to sell . I am very conflicted about this. I love my house but we also have land near our house with a beautiful view . We are planning to sell and then build there. We plan to downsize and are hoping to be mortgage free . Thats our goal . So please keep me in your prayers . Change is not always easy . I am looking forward to connecting with all of you again :) Hope you are having a wonderful summer and being creative!