Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Renee!!

This afternoon when I was reading through my blogs I saw a familiar site in my reader. It was Renee's .The tears came immediately .I miss her posts. I clicked over to find a Beautiful post written by her sister Jaquie. Today is Renee's birthday . Happy Birthday Beautiful Renee!!!!
There is so much more I could say but I wont. Renee always had a way of touching you so deeply that you sometimes just needed to be still.


  1. I miss her so much also!! I'm kissing the heavens above and sending her birthday wishes!!

  2. I had to go and read that post, it was quite touching.

  3. Your post today brings tears but your comment on my blog today made me laugh! Yes, I agree, the 3/4 face is a pain in the butt!
