Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meet Patience..

If you read the post below this one you will understand exactly how this doll got her name. Her and I struggled every bit of the way, but she taught me so much . She is my very first cloth and clay doll .


  1. Jackie!! She's wonderful--I'm so glad you didn't give up!

  2. Jackie, this is the girl who gave you so much trouble? She is fabulous! I love her. Patience is a perfect name for this girl.

  3. Jackie! She is awesome! You did a fantastic job on her; definitely worth all the struggle. BIG Applause!! I adore her.

  4. Hi Jackie! Thank you for stopping by Woodstown Whimsies... Your posts for March 31st and April 3 (the sketches and the finished portrait of Elizabeth) are just remarkable! Your Cloth and Clay doll is delightful in every way! Daryle

  5. Very sweet! I've been meaning to make a cloth doll (without the clay) for quite some while now but as I'm not a natural with a needle and thread and have no sewing machine, it's not yet happened!


  6. Rome was not built in a day,and all fine things take time and practice. you however have created a fine art in such a short period of time..Im so proud of you and all the talent you posess. Love Mom

  7. Wow, that is just amazing! What a talented gal you are!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog and for being my first follower - you made my day :o)

    Your follower list isn't showing up at the moment so I couldn't add myself. I'll try again later - but I have added you to my feeds so I can keep up to date with your postings.

    J x

  8. Ignore that - the followers list is there now and I'm following you *sigh*.

  9. So cool! I love her delicate little hands and feet. Very nice work.

  10. i would love to have a go at making a doll too - but maybe i'll attempt that one a bit later - oh sooo much to do!!! And how beautiful to be married in a castle!!! Hope the planning is not too stressful for you :) And, Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  11. You have a nack for these dolls!!! How fabulous! Wonderful job hon! If patience is what it takes... then keep at it. So proud of you!!!


  12. She's wonderful. Maybe I should have taken a class on making a doll. But I'm just winging it. It is definitely hard.

  13. Patience always pays off. She's lovely, Jackie.
    And I love your new picture!!
