Sunday, August 29, 2010

Silly Sunday Giveaway ..

I have been wanting to do a giveaway for awhile .I decided to give away 30 days of silliness! I saw this class by Carla Sonheim and I knew this was it! For 30 days you get a daily dose of silliness sent to you in an email from Carla that will include a link to a downloadable pdf inviting you to loosen up and play . We can all use a little silliness in our lives . All you have to do for a chance to win is blog about Carla's Class and my giveaway and then leave me a comment. Lets get silly together! I will draw the winner next Sunday, September 5th.
Good Luck !
(if you don't have a blog you can still enter just leave me a comment letting me know.)


  1. Sounds like a great class to me!! I *love* silly!! : ))

  2. I don't know if it counts - I updated my blog post with a link to your giveaway. Such a nice prize! xo

  3. Hi Jackie,
    Thank you so much for the link about drawing hair. It was extremly helpful and I am going to try it out right now.
    I may post the link tomorrow and give you a little mention!!!
    Love your blog and silly is my name HA.

  4. Silly is simply divine, dahling! We all need more silliness in our lives, yes?!?!

  5. oh oh oh I wanna do this for a chance to win your giveaway. I just put on a new blog post tonight, but in the next day or so, I will blog about it and then come back and tell you so I can be entered.

    I'm needing some silliness as of late in my life! Thank YOU!

    Lee Ann

  6. I don't have a blog but would love to win a chance at Carla's silly class! Sign me up!

  7. Well I don't have a blog but this sounds so nice. And the Silliness sounds like a blast-- something really refreshing at the end of a long hot summer. Why not??? Jeanne @ A.R.T.

  8. This is a great giveaway. Something that the winner can truly benefit from and thoughtful on your part. We all can use a bit of "silly" in our lives can´t we....will blog about this and hope that I get lucky:)
    Cynthia Schelzig

    I posted - I so want to take her class, but just can't spare the money this month - oh IF only I can win it!!!! Here's to hoping!

  10. Oh my, I could use some serious doses of silly!! Please enter me in the giveaway... Great idea from you both!

  11. I do love to be silly and boy, do I ever need it right now!!! I just ordered Carla's book, but this seems right up my alley. What a generous giveaway! I haven't blogged about it yet, but I will either this evening or in the next couple of days. Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. How very thoughtful of you to do this for someone. Thank you.

  13. What a wonderful give away! Thanks for being so generous.

  14. I have always loved art and now i have time to indulge myself. I was intimidated as a child but picked up Carla's book and saw fun, joy, and most of all freedom of expression. What a journey it would be to take her Silly Course! Thank you for your generous gift to whoever wins!

  15. I am one of the few without a blog. This looks so awesome. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  16. I don't have a blog yet, but I'd love to be included in the drawing!
    best, Annie - the Netherlands

  17. Oh, please count me in. I have a Blog, but it is in German... is that helpful for you? so i´ll post a Link... :-)

    By the way, I *love* the Header of your Blog!

    Yours, Claudia

  18. It's so fun to be silly, it makes ur art better and more free just to enjoy drawing instead of thinking about it. I hope I win this would be so fun. I don't have a blog but I'm in the middle of creating one

  19. I found your blog through Carla, I'm a big fan of her work, so I came her to enter the drawing. I'm already a very silly girl, but I would love to have an even sillier autumn... :-)
    Thanks for being such a generous person Jackie!

  20. I could use a good dose of silliness! Thanks for the giveaway. Great idea!

  21. I would love a dose of siliness too. I am already silly, but I could use a bit more.

    Thank you for offering this giveaway, how nice!


  22. ooooooooooooooh how i need to loosen up & be silly! i've been serious for far too long!

  23. I would like to win! Yipppeeee!
    Thanks for a great giveaway. Your giveaway is on my blog.

  24. Hi!

    I don´t have a blog, but I would love to participate.

    Love from Argentina!

  25. I need to make a blog, but none yet...

    I saw that you were having this giveaway on Carla Sondheim's blog, and I've got to tell you, it's one of the nicest things I've ever heard. Everyone needs more silly, myself included. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  26. Hi! This is such a nice offer you are giving and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Carla Sonheim's book!! I am a public school art teacher in Gulf Breeze, Florida and I don't have a blog but hope to work on one soon. :) I would like to enter your give-away as I could use it for the 800 children ages kindergarten through 5th graders I teach weekly. I have let teachers know about this wonderful book and blog and hope to share with my budding young artists this wonderful unique way to loosen up, get silly and create!

  27. I am so excited for this class to start. I'm trying to get my friends to join, too!

  28. I so want to take this class! I am so afraid to draw but love being goofy. I am also going to follow your link to the cloth and clay dolls class on Ning.

    Thanks for gifting this class to another.

  29. What a generous gift - sharing the gift of silly!

  30. thanks for following dear! your blog is wonderful!

  31. What a generous idea! I don't have a blog, but I would appreciate a chance to win. Thank you!

  32. Please, Please put my name into that hat. I could use some fun right now and this class sounds great. I posted about it today on my blog too for you.

    Crossing my fingers as my name goes into the hat!

    Lee Ann

  33. I don't have a blog...well, I do, but I haven't set it up or started using it yet! But I had heard about this class from Claudine Hellmuth's blog and I so wanted to sign up for is just tight and I had already splurged to take Claudine's online class through Big Picture Scrapbooking....soooooo, when I read about your generous give away, of course I got my hopes up high!

    I did share it through my facebook page!

    I don't have a blog either but I'd adore having this on my wall. Can't wait for the lessons to begin. Jan

  35. Hi! jackie, just found you from Leeann's blog,so happy to meet you! I love give-a-ways! it makes life fun:),"Laughter is good for the soul!". Thanks for sharing this sweet Blessing! I will follow you!

  36. Hello. Found out about this wonderful giveaway via Carla's blog. Would love to participate with my 5yo son. Thanks for the chance! (I don't have a blog as of yet, but will try and put one up just for the silly class.)


  37. If it is not too late, I would like to add my name to the giveaway for the online class. I don't currently have a blog.


  38. If it's not too late, I sure would like my name put in... Thanks

  39. This is so very kind of you! I read about this on Carla's blog. I don't have a blog, but what a great idea! I'd love to win this, as I could sure use some silliness in my life!:)

    Thank YOU!
